Natural Living
Harmony, Balance & Wellbeing - Reiki and Feng Shui Services
Welcome to Natural Living
Find Harmony, Balance and Well Being through the practice of the Art
of Feng Shui (:fung shway") and.or the Ancient Tradition of Reiki

Go back to the basics of Natural Living in a technological, fast paced world.
Discover how to achieve harmony in your living or working environment through
Feng Shui. The
ancient methods can reveal possible obstacles to wealth, health and other areas of life in the design
features in your space. For example, a spiral staircase in the center of the home can contribute to
issues with heart health. Find out how to compensate or remove obstacles, or create a sacred space,
or even build a greener ecology for well being.
Please see the services offered for further description.

With a Reiki session, give yourself the gift of stress relief, which then allows the body to repair itself
and rejuvenate. Basically, in a brief session you can rest comfortably while your practitioner moves the
energy in your systems, and clear blockages.
For a complete description, please see our Reiki page.

"See my appearance on National Geographic featuring Reiki in October of 2009."
All Rights Reserved - Mary McGrane 2009